Sunday, May 8, 2011

Get to the root cause... it is not about TPL or GY

Countless of such pages have suddenly sprouted in our Singapore FB community

George Yeo IN, Tin Pei Ling OUT
Petition to remove Tin Pei Ling as a MP
Disqualify Tin Pei Ling as a MP - We want her OUT
I do not want Tin Pei Ling in Parliament
Online petition to replace Tin Pei Ling with George Yeo
I did not "LIKE" any of them, not because I didnt agree with them, but I think it would not make any difference. (somebody please prove me wrong! get her out)

Firstly, we all cannot even sing in unison, how do you expect the gahment to hear? there are so many different pages to "LIKE" and each has only tens of thousand of "LIKES". No one will take these seriously. A page with hundreds of thousands could maybe raise a concern though.

Secondly, there are many people with 2 or more FB identity, so gahment can choose to believe that there are just a handful of people creating different identities just to click on these "LIKES". Moreover, it could your "administrator" who clicked it, so to them, that does not count either.

Most importantly, I dont think this will solve the issue with our system. This time we might want TPL out, GY in. Next time we might want XXX in, ZZ out. We need to get to the root cause - the GRC system. The underlying message from all these pages is that we want the best candidate to be MP, regardless of which party they come from. We want the best for Singapore. But the GRC system places the interest of the Party before our nation. There's a need to review this system.

Lastly, I felt that FB is not the correct avenue for such feedback, but sadly there seems to be no other platform. Where can Singaporeans put our sincere suggestion or feedback for the gahment? Is there a website or email that the PM himself will respond too? We dont want those standard and patronizing replies thought up by those scholars, his secretary or personal assistant. Dont tell me Meet-the-MP session, that is useless. Will the gahment really review this? Most of them MPs have been getting free rides for so many years, do you think they will really agree to change that?

It is bad that GY is out. He is a victim of their own system.

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