Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby Blessing

Last Saturday morning, we attended the Baby Blessing Ceremony at 佛光山, together with hundreds of other babies under 5 years old. We went into the hall quite early and I selected a seat at the side so that I could "escape" easily if Kiiron make a fuss. A helper came to me and requested us to move to the front, right in the middle, near the "restricted area"! I think she must have regretted when my hyperactive boy wouldnt sit down and started to run all over the "restricted area" instead. I knew that if I try to stop him, Kiiron would create a scene of scream crying and floor rolling... that would be too much attention in the silent hall. So I left that to the helper and since she is a stranger, Kiiron will give her "some face".

Kiiron having fun at the "restricted area"
Hyperactive boy trying to escape from our seat

Extracts of the Prayer and Wishes for the Baby blessing - written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun

We pray that under your compassionate guidance and protection;
These children are free from harm, and enjoy a healthy body and mind;
Have propitious days and nights, and grow up in peace;
Are intelligent and encounter no learning difficulties;
Are blessed with good fortunes and virtues and are loved by all

Please allow them to possess gratitude in their hearts, so they may cherish the sacrifices others have made;
Allow them to possess the ability to feel ashamed, so they are able to self-reflect;
Allow them to possess the virtue of being able to repay others, and to bring benefit to society;
May they nurture proper beliefs, and hold right views and right thoughts

Please give them confidence and courage, in their times of defect;
Please provide them wisdom and strength, when they are fatigued and exhausted

I felt this can be useful for the me too... in a different context.

Please give them confidence and courage, in their times of defect;
Please provide them wisdom and strength, when they are fatigued and exhausted

Yes, I need confidence and courage when I have to tell him that I cannot buy that toy for him.  I need wisdom and strength to handle a scream crying child rolling on the floor. We need confidence, courage, wisdom and strength to be good parents
A certificate was given at the end, with his little red thumb print on it

I saw this on one of the walls in the hall and I copied it here to remind myself and anyone reading of the 12 guidelines to practise the preservation of body and mind.  Hopefully everyone would start with beautifying the mind and spirit and then extend outwards to beautify the environment

Speak quietly - do not disturb others

Keep the ground clean - do not litter

Keep the air clean - do not smoke or pollute

Respect oneself and others - do not commit any violence

Be polite - do not intrude on others

Smile - do not show others angry expression

Speak kindly - Do not utter abusive words

Follow the rules - do not seek exemptions or privileges

Mind your actions - do not violate rules of ethics

Consume conscientiously - do not waste

Be grounded - do not live aimlessly

Practise kindness - do not create malice

Happy Vesak Day

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