Friday, October 7, 2011

Children Day Celebration in Skool

My memory of Children's Day celebration in school was that we had to learn and sing this "sa-ma sa-ma" malay song on the day. Till this day, I had no idea what the words meant.

This year we are no longer celebrating Children's Day on 1st October. The new Children's Day falls on the first friday of October. Bay is celebrating Children's Day in a Castle today!
He's suppose to dress up as his favourite fairytale character. I dont think he knows any of the characters, least to say have a favourite one! I happened to go shopping in Daiso a few days before and I found that they have quite a lot of cute accessories for dress-up parties. So, I picked up the less girlish one from the shelves, to go with his usual plain green t-shirt and jeans bermudas. Guess what Bay is going as for the party?

Frog Prince!

Pictures taken by teacher

Castle back drop for the glamour shots! 

I sent a Frog Prince to school and he transformed into a tiger

Presents from teachers and aunties from Skool... Thank you!

For all young and those young-at-heart, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY 2011 

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