Sunday, October 30, 2011

Eating Out With My Toddler... Shin-Sapporo Ramen

Shin-Sapporo Ramen @ Century Square
Kid's menu is available but I thought it's not so value-for-$
We ordered the set menu with 1 mini ramen and 1 mini don. (We had Menchi ramen + Oyaku don)
With the FREE topup of ramen, (no free soup, just the plain ramen, so you have to keep some soup for the topup) this set meal is more than enough for the 2 of us.
Stay tuned to "Eating out with kids"... I will share more as and when I remembered to take pics!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nice Surprise In My Mailbox - Smilebox from Skool

I dont really like surprises in my mailbox, especially when it is my work mailbox as it means more "arrows" and more work.

2.5 weeks after Bay started Skool, I received the first surprise in my mailbox... a really pleasent one which totally brighten my dull day. How I wish I'll get such nice stuff everyday in my mailbox!

Showcase of all the Smileboxes that I received. The resolution is reduced but it is still fun to watch.

First Week In Skool (August 2011)

Happenings in Skool (September 2011)

Children Day Celebration in Skool (October 2011)

Happenings in Skool (October 2011)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Eating Out With My Toddler... Suki-Ya Hotpot Buffet

Suki-Ya Hotpot Buffet @ Tampines Mall, B1
Free for kids below 4 years old
We had the double-sided hotpot and ordered a non-spicy soup base for the kids, they loved the udon, japanese fish cake and of course the softy ice-cream
There is "free flow" of iPad at the kids corner!
We were given a table near to the kids corner so the boys can play while we eat our dinner.

Stay tuned to "Eating out with kids"... I will share more as and when I remembered to take pics!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Art And Craft Is Fun!

The good thing about Bay attending childcare is that he get to do a lot of art and craft work which he would not have otherwise done at home.

Here's a showcase for all of Bay's 创作

September 2011 - Catapillar made from old socks

August 2011 - Music shaker made with kitchen paper core

August 2011 - Singapore flag made for National Day Celebration

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fun With Food - Edamame

Edamame is a common food in our part of the world, readily available in the super market and easily prepared. It's a healthy snack with a nutritional punch! Fun too for the little fingers to practice their fine motor skills.

Bay is 26.5 months old and with some practice, he can "extract" the beans from the pod and separate the "used" pods. Choke hazard though, so do supervised your child while eating.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Children Day Celebration in Skool

My memory of Children's Day celebration in school was that we had to learn and sing this "sa-ma sa-ma" malay song on the day. Till this day, I had no idea what the words meant.

This year we are no longer celebrating Children's Day on 1st October. The new Children's Day falls on the first friday of October. Bay is celebrating Children's Day in a Castle today!
He's suppose to dress up as his favourite fairytale character. I dont think he knows any of the characters, least to say have a favourite one! I happened to go shopping in Daiso a few days before and I found that they have quite a lot of cute accessories for dress-up parties. So, I picked up the less girlish one from the shelves, to go with his usual plain green t-shirt and jeans bermudas. Guess what Bay is going as for the party?

Frog Prince!

Pictures taken by teacher

Castle back drop for the glamour shots! 

I sent a Frog Prince to school and he transformed into a tiger

Presents from teachers and aunties from Skool... Thank you!

For all young and those young-at-heart, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY 2011 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Eating Out With My Toddler... NYDC

I eat out with my boy most of the time after he crossed the "ok to eat outside food" official age of 12 months. Most of the restuarants in Singapore provide some form of kids cutleries and high chair, so eating out is not much of an issue. Many places provide very reasonable kid's menu.

FAQ 1: Who said 12 months is the official "ok to eat outside food" age?
Ans: Hmm... I dont know and I didnt ask!

FAQ 2: Am I concern about the excessive intake of salt, oil and MSG?
Ans: Yes, of course! I will try to "wash" the food in warm water if I find them too salty or oily and I usually leave out the soup or gravy.

FAQ 3: What sort of food do you order for your boy?
Ans: Usually I will check out the kids menu first and see if they have any interesting food. Most of the time he will share my food. I will have to order something non-spicy for him though. It is important to make a conscious effort to maintain a well balance diet while eating out. Meaning that there shall be protein, fiber and carbohydrate for each meal. I find that it is easy to forget about the greens when eating outside.

Here's the food that I ordered for my boy while eating out...

02 October 2011: NYDC @ Tampines One.
We ordered the chicken little spaggy and they are considered enough to cut the spag into short length.
No drinks included in the meal

Stay tuned to "Eating out with kids"... I will share more as and when I remembered to take pics!