Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Backing Up My Life

Blogging had become my way of life, in fact it had replaced the habit of writing diary. I would murder anyone who read my diary without my permission but now I dont even know who read my blog. Such irony right? I'm lazy and will only write what I want and when I feel like it, that's why my blog is still in bits and pieces. The major reason why I choose to blog about my life is so that I can keep a chronological record of things that happened. Right, like I'm in constant worry that I'm going to forget about these stuff when I grow old. Viewership is definitely the last thing on my mind. Blogging is an excellent way to put photos and videos together with some words of how I felt at the point in time. Some people like facebook or other social networks but I thought those are even more fragmented than the bit and pieces on my blog!

A few months back there were some technical issues with Blogger and some of my updates were lost. Luckily the damage is not huge for me but this reminded me on how important it is to backup my life. I had "dump" all my memories here and I thought I dont have to remember them anymore since they are here for me to read. But what if the system crashed and everything is lost?

Still, being the biggest procrastinator on Earth, I finally got down to doing this work today! I had to transfer all my documents to the new laptop and return the old one, might as well backup my blog at the same time.

I found that backup can be done this way with the new Blogger interface:
  1. From your Blogger homepage, click on "Go to post list" for the blog that you want to backup.       
  3. Under Settings > Other, you will find Blog Tools. Click on "Export blog". You will be asked to save your blog as a .xml file in your hard drive. Follow the prompt to save.
  5. And you are done!
If for some reason, you are not able to save in the new Blogger interface, switch back to the old one and follow the old Blogger interface backup instructions from Small Small Baker.

My life is backed up for now. How about yours?

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