Monday, July 25, 2011

Towards a Terrific Terrible Two - Skool Celebration

Today is Bay's 2nd birthday.

How time flies... exactly 2 years ago, I was waiting in the delivery room, praying for a smooth delivery and a healthy baby and now that baby is a toddler... well into the terrible two stage.

Papa Lim had an important meeting in office today and had to rush back to Shanghai yesterday night. I wasn't feeling very well and didn't prepare anything for Bay's party in school. Actually I thought that I will keep him at home for today but when I asked him in the morning if he wants to go to school? He didn't refuse! So at the last minute, I had to rush to send him to school and then dashed to the stores to get all the party stuffs and a cake for his party!

Birthday boy... on the way to school

Fortunately I already got Mark to bring some stationary sets back in anticipation that we will need them sooner or later... so I only need to buy some snacks from NTUC and some gift bags and party hats from SKP. Then I packed the gift bags on the top of my car boot. That was how last minute the preparation was!

Stationary set from taobao: RMB 7, Milk Pocky from NTUC: $1, Gift bag from SKP: $0.10
A mother's love and dedication: Priceless!  

Animals party hats for the class mates

Singing birthday song and cake cutting (bought a fruit top cake from trusty Bengawan solo)

Two of us with the cake

Happy birthday, my little boy!

P.S. I should have another MUCH nicer video of us singing the birthday song to post here BUT I thought the transfer from the SD card to my laptop was completed and deleted it from the card and then I cant retrieve it anymore! I was so devastated! That was probably the nicest video I had ever recorded. 

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