Friday, April 8, 2011

It's a wrap for "milk milk"

Kiiron had self-weaned, it's been 1 week since he last asked for "milk milk".  To my surprised, there wasn't not much crying, just a little bit of whining.  I'm so pride of him.

I'm pride of myself too, I think I deseved it a little pat on my back or the front for this matter goes. The journey was a tad tougher for me as I'm living like a single-mum most of the time. Looking back at the whole 20 months and 1 week, it had not been all fun but the end result was so fulfilling. I left the breastfeeding lilypie tacker below my blog to remind myself of those sweet days and nights of my life. 

I had never thought that I could breastfeed successfully and for so long. People always had this misconception that big boobs are essential for breastfeeding. This is not true at all! When I go out with my 95% percentile giant baby, people will ask me which brand of formula milk he is taking, when I told them that he is on total breastmilk, they will first steal a look at my front and then ask "can meh?" or "enough meh?"

For those mum-to-be's who is willing to try to breastfeed, it is not easy to start. I told my sister during the first few weeks that breastfeeding is more painful than child-birth (ok I had epidural, so delivery was practically painless!). I remembered that time when I had to continue to pump with broken/chipped nipples until the expressed milk was bandung colour (tinted with blood!) and the pain from blocked ducts or mastitis! But it is even more difficult to stop… the closeness and bonding to your baby is second to none, only another breastfeeding mum can tell you how it felt.

There were fustrating times as well, fortunately there are many inspirating articles everywhere to help keep us like-minded going. I'm so glad to know that somewhere else there are people going through the same as me. I'm not the only mum who is nursing my boy to sleep, I'm not the only mum who can't bear to let my child "cry it out" so that I can have a full night sleep.

Kiiron only started sleeping through at around 20 months. Previously, he was walking up 2-3 times per night for "milk milk".  Mark had insisted that "crying it out" is the only way to train him but he's not here most of the time, I am so not going to do this on my own! Then again Mark also insisted that the only way to wean Kiiron off the breast is to apply Ruyi oil on my nipples! (that's what my MIL did and I suspect that is the reason why Mark is so afraid of medicated oil smell).

For the record
  1. Kiiron didnt "cry it out", he reached the sleep-through-the-night milestone when he was ready.  All I did was to tell him 'milk milk' no more on one night, he whinned for 3 seconds and went right back to sleep.  I did the same for the next few nights and he started to sleep through after a few days.   
  2. I didnt apply Ruyi oil or any other stuff on my nipples, he self-weaned when he was ready.  I started to nurse him only when he asked to, he asked for 'milk milk' less often after a few weeks

Standby your believes. There will be trying times when people watched and said "see, I told you!"
Perseverance makes the rewards sweeter