Saturday, April 2, 2011


I'm in a streak of bad luck whereby I keep misplacing my things.

After our trip to the Jurong Bird Park on 18March, I realised that I can no longer find my car key! I thought I dropped it in Jean's car but she cant find it there.

Gosh! How should I tell Mark? He is very picky about anything to do with his car.
Oh well... I have to face the music sooner or later, so why not later? Mark came back last night and I finally had to drop the bomb on him!

After interrogating and grilling me throughout the journey from airport, it was concluded that I could have dropped the key in bird park.

Mark called the park this morning to check if there is any lost & found but the chance of finding something after 2 weeks is pretty slim... Guess what? the person called after 1 hour to inform us that they found our key!

Heng man... if not Mark will 跟我没完没了...

Dont be afraid to explore any possibilities even if you think that the chances are slim. Like the saying goes, no harm trying.

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