Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A lousy evening

I've spend the past 1 week or so of my leave doing nothing.

My typical day is to wake up at about 10+ in the morning, then check emails, manage my facebook and then practice crazy taxi. In the evening, I'll go to Carrefour to shop and then try to cook.

During this few days, I'd came to realise that I'm not suitable to be a housewife. As you can see above, my typical day does not include doing housework. Thus the house is in quite a mess. But I tried to fulfilled my duties as a wife by cooking dinner.

However I'm quite pissed today. I'd cooked dinner by 7 pm and then waited for Mark to come home to have dinner together. He came home at 8pm without informing me! I was famished by then and immediately served dinner. But I end up eating dinner alone as Mark was busy reading his blackberry and did not response when I asked him to have dinner.

I really don't understand... what can be so rush and important? Even US president can afford to have dinner with his wife.

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