Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Shopping Spree

I went on a shopping spree in 证大广场 (Superbrand mall near to Oriental Pearl tower).  There's so many of my fav shops here... H&M, UNIQLO, Zara, Agatha...

I bought 6 tops, 1 skirt, 1 pair of gloves and 2 rings. Total damage is about RMB 1000+. Not too bad!
Eventhough I've been in China for almost 3 years now, but I'm still not used to the value of RMB.  In Singapore, I'll think twice about spending S$25 on a top but will not bat an eyelid to spend RMB129.  I better be careful not to over-spend now... but I need some new shoes to go with my new clothes!!! 

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