Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lesson from a wise african old lady

 Echo was an 64 year old female eleplant, matriarch of the EB family living in Amboseli.  Every Monday in March, I've followed Echo on Animal planet.  I can relate so well with the behavior of the elephant family - where the female rules.  All females will remain with the family forever whereas the males will go independent and leave the group once they reach adulthood.

I've been reflecting on my feelings and thoughts in these 8 months following the birth of my son, wondering why is it that I can be so comfortable to let my family hold my son whereas I am so protective when my in-laws get near to him.  Finally, some enlightenment when I saw how the smartest land animal behave - it is basic instinct.  All animals except for humans, never get to meet their paternal family.  It is natural for a mother to be nervious when their off-springs are with anyone other than her own family.  Lions behave this way as well.

It is inevitable that one day my beloved son will have a family of his own and his wife will too feel the same way about me.  I will always remember this lesson from the wise african old lady.  I am praying hard that I will have a daughter of my own.

I was so sad when a search on the internet last night revealed that Echo passed away in May 2009.  You can follow Echo's EB family on Cynthia Moss's blog on the ATE (Amboseli Trust for Elephant) website. http://elephanttrust.org/blog/15
(The picture above was sourced from the same site)

I lived in a family of 4 sisters and my mum takes care of every single detail of home.  Seeing Echo with her family, reminded me of my mum and our family.  She is a majestic mother, grandmother and a caring caregiver for my son - my mum is truely a matriarch of my family.

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