Friday, March 12, 2010

"Kiiron" has arrived!

After Mark decided to name our boy "Kiiron", we did a search on internet and found out that "Kiiron" is a location of a highly secret military base in the book "Kiiron" by Trisha Johnson

Behaving like the usual tacky parents, we placed an order on 21st Oct 2009 with Borders so that our little boy can have the book that shares the same name with him.

I collected the book today, after almost a 5 months wait for it to be shipped from US.
Brought us back by $49.95 + $6.95 for shipping charges.

Book Summary
Karl Dornik, military specialist turned drifter, crash lands on Iskinar, a desert planet in the Veil Nebula. He is arrested and taken to Kiiron, the location of a highly secret military base. While being transferred to Midpoint Haven, the military government’s command center, he manages to escape and is rescued by the beautiful Treecia ven Willem, a trader on her way home from worlds deep in the heart of the galaxy. She is tall, blonde and fiercely independent, but she has a dark secret. Dornik is determined to penetrate the mystery surrounding Kiiron, and he and Treecia return to Iskinar, where they are befriended by the diminutive Corrua, whose people have been taken captive and transported to an unknown destination. They offer to help find Corrua’s wife and children and become involved in a mesh of politics and intrigue, implicating both the Confederation (the original, civilian government) and the Protectorate (the military rulers). Whether you’re a science-fiction adventure fan or not, you’ll be turning the pages of Kiiron to see what happens next!

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