Monday, November 26, 2007

In the land of Christmas

I am in the land of Christmas this week for work. It is so dark and cold here. The sun rises at 10 am and sets at 4 pm!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

her-her-ha-he... 快使用双截棍...

Greetings from 上海体育场! So many people at Jay Chou's concert!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I'm going for Jay Chou's concert in Shanghai on 24Nov!

Finally the tickets are in my hands!

I am actually quite upset to miss his concert in Singapore on 19Jan2008 as most likely I will not be back in Singapore then and anyway the tickets are totally sold out in Singapore.

Mark's company sponsered some stuff and managed to get 2 free 包厢 tickets. (kekekeke!) Hope it will not be too far away from the stage.

Thank you darling for making the effort to get the tickets!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Shopping Spree

I went on a shopping spree in 证大广场 (Superbrand mall near to Oriental Pearl tower).  There's so many of my fav shops here... H&M, UNIQLO, Zara, Agatha...

I bought 6 tops, 1 skirt, 1 pair of gloves and 2 rings. Total damage is about RMB 1000+. Not too bad!
Eventhough I've been in China for almost 3 years now, but I'm still not used to the value of RMB.  In Singapore, I'll think twice about spending S$25 on a top but will not bat an eyelid to spend RMB129.  I better be careful not to over-spend now... but I need some new shoes to go with my new clothes!!! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A lousy evening

I've spend the past 1 week or so of my leave doing nothing.

My typical day is to wake up at about 10+ in the morning, then check emails, manage my facebook and then practice crazy taxi. In the evening, I'll go to Carrefour to shop and then try to cook.

During this few days, I'd came to realise that I'm not suitable to be a housewife. As you can see above, my typical day does not include doing housework. Thus the house is in quite a mess. But I tried to fulfilled my duties as a wife by cooking dinner.

However I'm quite pissed today. I'd cooked dinner by 7 pm and then waited for Mark to come home to have dinner together. He came home at 8pm without informing me! I was famished by then and immediately served dinner. But I end up eating dinner alone as Mark was busy reading his blackberry and did not response when I asked him to have dinner.

I really don't understand... what can be so rush and important? Even US president can afford to have dinner with his wife.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Days in Shanghai

I'm on leave for 2 weeks from 10Nov to 25Nov. I've no plans on how to spend these days. Basically I'll just nau at home in Shanghai.