Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Can you speak Purple?

I was desperate in trying to explain to Bay that he is not an English boy even though he speaks English.  I went on to tell him that a typical English has blond hair. His dark hair means that he is an Asian. He is a Chinese boy.

Fast forward many months later.

I knew I had might have gone a bit too much into hair colour and native language stereotyping.

(After his weekly Yamaha class, we were in the lift with a lady who had dyed her hair totally purple.)

Bay: (whispering) Mama, purple hair people speaks what?
Me: (blur look) ???
Bay: (discreetly pointing) Purple hair people speaks what language?
Me: !!!

Fortunately, 1 second later, we exited the lift and I could explain to him that purple is not her real colour.

Can you speak Purple???

Bay @ 5 years and 8 months

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