Monday, March 30, 2015

K2 - Can you find my rabbit?

Bay's teachers in K2 organised a little game in conjunction with the book that that they are were reading in school.

message from the teacher

Can you find my rabbit? I could in a split second.

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Where's the white?

Today the kids went to school late. We were watching the live telecast of the funeral procession of Mr Lee Kuan Yew as his casket was moved from Sri Temasek to the Parliament House for the Lying in State. It is a sad week for us in Singapore as we mourn for our founding Prime Minister who had passed away on 23rd March 2015.

The kids were too young to understand our sadness. For the past week, the school teacher had told Bay that Mr Lee was very ill. After Mr Lee Kuan Yew passed away, the teachers had shared with the class newspaper articles about him what he had done for Singapore. However, Bay is still very much confused while Meimei is totally clueless.

So to them, today is a day where they can play much longer before going to school while the adults glued ourselves to the TV with solemn faces. 

Bay caught a glimpse of the TV while the procession stopped at the Istana.

Bay: Where's the white?
Me: ???

It took me a while to understand his question. The screen was showing the flag on top of the Istana at half mask. It was not a normal Singapore flag. It was a red flag with white crescent moon and stars, the white part of the flag was missing. I must say, Bay is very observant, I didnt notice it at all.

Flag on Istana on 25th March 2015
(Photos from Web)

He went on to questioned me about why the flag has no white part, why they used a different flag, why they didnt use the real Singapore flag, why is there different types on Singapore flag, etc... all of which I couldnt answer. I had no idea. 

"Where's the white?" It is an innocent question from a 5 years and 8 months old boy, on something so obvious for him. Totally no implication of the political party (which is often referred to as the Whites) formed by Mr Lee himself. But I see the irony. 

Anyone knows why the flag on the Istana is different?

Bay @ 5 years and 8 months

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Swinging Good Time

Swinging good time when Mama was not by his side.
(he tagged along with Yima to the temple)

Swinging on this old school metal swing...
Cute boy! Always love to wear a jacket.

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Pink Scooter Girl In Action

Watch the pink scooter girl in action!!

Getting better at it with lots of pattern!

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

K2 - Fund raising for Old Folks Home

Bay's K2 Tesla class fund raising for Old Folks Home
Selling self-made pinata and Chips with Salsa dip

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Meimei's Fashion Sense

Aftermath of asking a toddler to dress herself....

She has at least 5 shirts on her and no pants!

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Can you speak Purple?

I was desperate in trying to explain to Bay that he is not an English boy even though he speaks English.  I went on to tell him that a typical English has blond hair. His dark hair means that he is an Asian. He is a Chinese boy.

Fast forward many months later.

I knew I had might have gone a bit too much into hair colour and native language stereotyping.

(After his weekly Yamaha class, we were in the lift with a lady who had dyed her hair totally purple.)

Bay: (whispering) Mama, purple hair people speaks what?
Me: (blur look) ???
Bay: (discreetly pointing) Purple hair people speaks what language?
Me: !!!

Fortunately, 1 second later, we exited the lift and I could explain to him that purple is not her real colour.

Can you speak Purple???

Bay @ 5 years and 8 months

Sofia the Who?

Meimei talking about her favourite doll... Sofia the Worst!
Sofia the Who??? Well... watch the video to find out more.
She's just too cute and adorable!

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Meimei @ 2 years and 5 months

Monday, March 9, 2015

3D2N "Staycation"

During Bay's routine follow-up on his sensative airways in KKH, the doctor found that his oxygen level was low and insisted on warding him! Thus, we had an impromtu staycation. Fortunately, he was discharged after 3 days when the oxygen level went up to normal. What happened was most probably due to some phlegm plugged in the lungs. Phew!!

The sister fooling around while waiting for admission.

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Bay @ 5 years and 8 months
Meimei @ 2 years and 5 months

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

It's a blessing to have an elder brother

I have always wanted an elder brother. I thought a big brother should protect and dote on the little sister.

Bay is becoming a big brother that I am proud of. They have their fair share of squabbles, like all siblings do. But Bay really does love his meimei and he will think of ways to soothe and calm her down when she is cranky. At times, only Bay can stop her from those terrible two tantrums.

I really hoped that this will be a good start for them, their sibling love will continue and they will have each other to depend on long after we are gone.

March 2014: It's a blessing to have an elder brother to help her wear her shoes
Bay @ 4 years and 8 months
Meimei @ 1 year and 5 months

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Monday, March 2, 2015

K2 - My First Party (Term 1, Take Home Kit)

I'm terrified of take of kit. No kidding, I had to do all the work + nagging.
This term's topic is "My First Party".

This is what happens when I ask him to do his homework!

Read about Bay's first party here.

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Bay @ 5 years and 8 months