Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 Brand New Start...

They are starting a new routine together!
Bay and Meimei are going to school together.

Keryn's 1st Day in N1 - She definitely lived up to the expectations... she puked 3 secs after I leave her side.
(what's new for our little Merlion)
Still, she managed to take her nap and enjoy some stories on her 1st day. 

05 Jan 2015 - 4th day of skool
Finally got them out of the door... then she stepped on some poo on the grass!
Geez... what a start to day

20 Jan 2015 - 3rd week of skool
It's so heart warming to see them walking into Skool hand-in-hand.
Hopefully, they will continue to support each other for the rest of their lives

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Bay @ 5 years and 5 months
Meimei @ 2 year and 3 months

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