Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fun Afternoon @ Skyline Luge Sentosa

We had been discussing for a while on how to spend this National Day Holiday. Leela suggested on going for a potluck picnic at Pasir Ris Park but somehow not many of the targeted participants are keen, so it was cancelled the night before.

What shall we do then? How about spending the day at the museums? After all, there are free adminssions for Singaporeans for the month of August! I was playing with my phone and found the MySentosa App which I installed sometime back and decided to give it a try. Checked out the Family Fun recommendation in the app and there it was... "Skyline Luge Sentosa". We decided to give it a try and fortunately Bay just made it for the min height requirement of 85cm.

Hotcakes to kick start the day!

All ready to have a fun day

Ecstatic over his favourite balloon...
Skyline Luge Sentosa
Website: http://www.sentosa.com.sg/en/attractions/imbiah-lookout/sentosa-luge-skyride/
We bought the 10 Rides Family Pass Deal and it was really quite worth it. $6 for each round and additional $2 for child doubling.

Skyride - Not for the faint hearted!
In order to enjoy the leisure downhill ride, one will have to climb uphill first! Fortunately, there is the skyride to bring us up so we don't have to do much of the physical work. This is similar to those ski lifts in winter wonderland... cannot imagine we have these in sunny Singapore too right!

I'm not afraid of heights, but it was pretty nerve-wracking as there was no safety belt for kids on the skyride. Yah, Bay was sitting openly high up in the air. Good thing that he was very occupied with new the experience and remained seated throughout the 5 mins ride.

Kiiron: apprehensive of what is coming... Mama: nerve-wracked!

Two of us... (photo coutesy of 二姨妈)

Geez! see how tightly I grabbed his pants!
Dont forget to enjoy the view...
Hello! Tham brothers at the front...

Luge - Once is not enough
Told you the leisure downhill ride will be fun! There was a 1 min training for 1st timers and then we were ready to rock n roll! It was not difficult to control the luge, even 7-year-old J1 could ride it on his own. Bay rided with me and I must say that was the coolest bonding time!
Gear up, Get set, Go!

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!
2nd skyride with J2

Rating (5/5)
We had a blast! The boys totally enjoyed themselves. Highly recommended for a fun outdoor day! If your kiddo can't sit still for 5 mins or you are very concerned about their safety on the skyride, then perhaps it's better to wait until they are older. We definitely will be back for more...


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