Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 2011 - Cheap SQ Promotion Trip

20 August 2011 - 28 August 2011
Bay is 25 months old

We managed to catch the super sweet SQ promotion. Return air tickets to Shanghai was only S$488 per person, taxes inclusive! The only thing though was that Bay is more than 2 years old now and I had to pay for his ticket which is almost S$488. This was the first trip which he was officially entitled to his own seat.

Day 1 (Travelling day)
As usual, we took the mid afternoon flight and reached Shanghai in the evening. Although Bay's got his own seat but it was difficult to keep him seated in it, what he wanted to do was either to stand on it or to sit on my lap. In the end, the crew got to give me the infant seat belt and he sat with me during take off. The good thing was he fell asleep at the moment when the airplane wheels left the ground.

Before take-off... windows of the plane goes up and down, up and down, up and down


Hoot! Meal time... My oriental chicken rice set and they gave me one with the breast meat (I hate it!)... but I still finish everything. "Give face" to the chilly sause and I was really hungry!

Kids' meal - Chicken spaghetti, he finished half of it

After meal entertainment... It's like watching with the sound turned off. So cute!
Half way through the flight, Bay took his trolley bag, dragged it to the front of the plane and said to me, "Mama, let's go. I dont want aeroplane already!" Haiz... Ok, nap - checked, meals - checked, ice-cream checked, in-flight entertainment - checked... what else can we do? It's going to be a long remaining 3 hours...

When we reached our destination, I'm totally beaten by an hyper-active toddler on board who only wants to climb up and down, left and right the seat instead of sitting on it. So tired that I couldnt take anymore photos.

Day 2 (玉佛寺)
We will visit this temple quite often per mum's request as it was where she went for the 水陆法会. We had vegetarian noodle lunch at the temple cafeteria. The taste is pretty ok but it is oily like the usual normal chinese food. For 10 RMB per bowl, I am not complaining.

Bonding with papa

young devotee

feeding the kois

On our way home

Day 3 - Day 7
I should amend this post title to "August 2011 - 病猫之旅" but it was so awful and unauspicious!

All of us fell sick with different degree of seriousness. Mark was on MC for a day for gastric pain (He hardly take MC one!). Kiiron and me were having tummy upset. Mum's case of stomach flu was the worst. She puked and had stomach cramps which were so bad that she could not even get up the bed. So we stayed home for almost the whole week. Other than that, our days were quite uneventful... lazing at home or walking around supermarkets & Decathlon. I even bought a new Dino Baby stroller for S$40. Hahaha! cheap cheap!

Nevertheless, I kept to my "A Pot of Curry" date... a few days later. Better late than never right! My mum did the cooking, not me! hahaha!

Our pot of curry from Shanghai

Bay must be so bored at home that he helped to clean the house by mimicking the cleaning 阿姨. It was more like a game.

Day 8 (Presidential Election Day)
Mark had to go do his duty as a Singapore today. The plan is to go fo lunch with his colleagues first before heading to the embassy. Mum was still too sick to go out with us.

Lunch was arranged at 吉士酒家, a small restaurant serving really good chinese food. Apparently, we had to make reservations 2 weeks before in order to get a table.

葱烤鸦片鱼头 (Baked Cod Fish Head with Spring Onion)... a must order dish.
Have to preorder when making reservation

Other must order dishes...
spicy chicken & prawn, 蟹粉粉皮, 红烧肉
(Bay took the right most pic!)


Day 9 (Home Sweet Home)

Time to pack... 姨妈's loot from taobao

We took the evening flight back and will reach Singapore almost midnight. Not very good timing for a toddler.

A little accident happened just before take-off! Our plane has just began to taxi and I was trying to get Bay who again was standing on the seat, to settle down. Then there was a sudden jerk and Bay fall backwards and hit the back of his head on the turn-knob of the tray table! I felt a soft lump on his head and immediately took a clean wet tissue to compress it. He stopped crying rather quickly and the plane took-off. To my horror, I found that he was actually bleeding. A small area of the skin was scraped off. Luckily it stopped bleeding after a while and he didnt show any signs concussion. I have to insisted that he must be seated in future!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fun Afternoon @ Skyline Luge Sentosa

We had been discussing for a while on how to spend this National Day Holiday. Leela suggested on going for a potluck picnic at Pasir Ris Park but somehow not many of the targeted participants are keen, so it was cancelled the night before.

What shall we do then? How about spending the day at the museums? After all, there are free adminssions for Singaporeans for the month of August! I was playing with my phone and found the MySentosa App which I installed sometime back and decided to give it a try. Checked out the Family Fun recommendation in the app and there it was... "Skyline Luge Sentosa". We decided to give it a try and fortunately Bay just made it for the min height requirement of 85cm.

Hotcakes to kick start the day!

All ready to have a fun day

Ecstatic over his favourite balloon...
Skyline Luge Sentosa
We bought the 10 Rides Family Pass Deal and it was really quite worth it. $6 for each round and additional $2 for child doubling.

Skyride - Not for the faint hearted!
In order to enjoy the leisure downhill ride, one will have to climb uphill first! Fortunately, there is the skyride to bring us up so we don't have to do much of the physical work. This is similar to those ski lifts in winter wonderland... cannot imagine we have these in sunny Singapore too right!

I'm not afraid of heights, but it was pretty nerve-wracking as there was no safety belt for kids on the skyride. Yah, Bay was sitting openly high up in the air. Good thing that he was very occupied with new the experience and remained seated throughout the 5 mins ride.

Kiiron: apprehensive of what is coming... Mama: nerve-wracked!

Two of us... (photo coutesy of 二姨妈)

Geez! see how tightly I grabbed his pants!
Dont forget to enjoy the view...
Hello! Tham brothers at the front...

Luge - Once is not enough
Told you the leisure downhill ride will be fun! There was a 1 min training for 1st timers and then we were ready to rock n roll! It was not difficult to control the luge, even 7-year-old J1 could ride it on his own. Bay rided with me and I must say that was the coolest bonding time!
Gear up, Get set, Go!

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!
2nd skyride with J2

Rating (5/5)
We had a blast! The boys totally enjoyed themselves. Highly recommended for a fun outdoor day! If your kiddo can't sit still for 5 mins or you are very concerned about their safety on the skyride, then perhaps it's better to wait until they are older. We definitely will be back for more...


Monday, August 8, 2011

National Day Celebration in Skool

9th of August is Singapore's National Day but school usually will have a celebration a day before.

This is Bay's 3rd National Day and his 1st celebration in school. He had to wear the "national day outfit" to school and bring some snacks/desserts for the little party.

His class is performing " The Singapore Cheer" and I've been practising with him at home by watching the youtube video as instructed by his teacher. Usually he loved to watch youtube videos, but when I turned on "The Singapore Cheer", he kept saying "No" and "I dont want". Haiz... he just doesnt like anything that got to do with school.

I decided to make some Singapore version of the strawberry hearts for him to bring to the party... our very own little strawberry stars! Red top with stars and white bottom... dont they just fit totally into the National Day theme? keke!

Little boy in national day outfit (coutesy of 二姨妈) and not so happy about going to school

Handmade Singapore flag by Kiiron

Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm a toy doctor

I can heal toys... I'm a toy doctor.

It happened when I was in primary 2 or 3... One day, Bini's little Bee plushy, 甜蜜 dropped on the floor while mum was mopping the floor. Guess what? My mum actually ripped out both 甜蜜's hands and 1 leg... right in front of us! She is such a toy bully! Luckily it didnt do any lasting damange to our mental development.

Anyway the point is, although I was rather young myself, I actually helped my sister to mend her toy while she sob and sob and sob (yes, she's a cry baby). Since then, whenever any toy is broken, I'm the 专用 toy doctor.

I specialised in aesthetics too. My recent work... to repair ET's lip

Before - Spoil 了!

After -  美美了!