Friday, April 23, 2010

Excuse me... are you an army boy?

I was taking the MRT home with Kiiron after his 推拿 (massage) session on Sunday afternoon. The train was fairly packed and there was no empty seats.  Should I expect anyone to give up the seat to me?  Afterall I'm a young mum, pushing a stroller with a baby sitting inside.  I don't need the seat for myself and Kiiron already had his own stroller to sit right?  When one looked at the sticker for the reserved seat, it says... pregnant woman, person carrying a child, old man with a cane and disabled person. Nothing about person with stroller.

Anyway, this army boy looked at me and continued to play his PSP! Shall I tell him that he's hogging the RESERVED seat?

Next time dont wear uniform, I can see your name... G L Heng
If I want to report you or sent this to STOMP, you will be tracked down in 1sec.

Kiiron is 9 mths now

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