Friday, April 25, 2014

Our Experience with Chicken Pox

Despite having a vaccination, Bay has chicken pox!
Though it is not uncommon for the virus to break though, it is definitely unusual to see a full-blown case like this.

How to classify as full blown case?
My PD asked me to count the spots and if there are more than 100, it's a full blown case.

I stopped counting at 100 and they are just the spots on half of his torso! It is only the 2nd day, not even over the peak of "poxing". Oh man! We decided to give him the antiviral medication to shorten the symptoms duration. It has to be taken within 3 days from the start of first symptoms.

Our greatest worry is Meimei, who has not taken any of her vaccinations for Chicken Pox. As advised by our PD, we immediately brought her for the jab. If the jab is taken within 5 days of exposure, then there is a high chance that the jab will take effect faster than the virus. It's a race against time!

Update: As of 25 May 2014, 1 month after our chicken pox episode, Meimei is still pox free.

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Bay @ 4 years and 9 months
Meimei @ 1 year and 6 months

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Meimei's signature head tilt pose

Sweetie pie's signature head tilt when asked to pose for the camera.
(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Bay @ 4 years and 9 months
Meimei @ 1 year and 6 months

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

#1's Music Journey - Yamaha JMC, Book 2

Yamaha Junior Music Course, Book 2
Course duration: January - June 2014

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Crying Princess Meimei

My crying princess Meimei.

Crying so badly all because 二姨妈 wants to 抱抱 her!
One positive thing to note though... now I have photo evidence that she only has 4 teeth at the age of 1 year and 6 months.

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Meimei @ 1 year and 6 months

Monday, April 14, 2014

Implementing The Right Reward System For My Kid

Bay is highly motivated by the carrot. Recently, I implemented a reward system for him such that he will get a stamp if he had done something well (like learnt a new song on the piano, did his homework well, etc). He need to collect an agreed number of stamps before he can get his reward.

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Bay @ 4 years and 9 months

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Little girl pretending to sleep and snore!

Cute little 妹妹 pretending to sleep and snore to disturb 哥哥!
(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Bay @ 4 years and 9 months
Meimei @ 1 year and 6 months

Monday, April 7, 2014

First visit to the hairdresser...

Meimei's first visit to the hairdresser... ended with a pile of puke!
What else to expect from her, the little girl who will vomit after 10 second of crying.

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Meimei @ 1 year and 6 months

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Innovative Punishment

These two best friends are getting on my nerves! They are always fighting over some tiny little stuff.

This time they are literally fighting over a tiny little lego man!
I made them hold hands with the lego man for 5 mins
They burst into laughter soon. Haha!

(click to read full post in Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space)

Kids Diary @ Keat-In-Space is a private blog. Please contact to access.

Bay @ 4 years and 9 months