Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nov / Dec 2011 - Infinity Hong Kong

29 Nov 2011 - 04 Dec 2011
Bay is 2 years and 4.5 months old

We went to Hong Kong this year for our annual extended family tour. The 3 boys had been counting down to this trip for a long long time!

Day 1 (Travelling Day + Streets Shopping)

An early start for this trip. Meeting at the airport at 6:00 am for our 7:55 am Tigerairways flight. Basically I dressed Bay in his nice long-sleeved t-shirt the day before, "plucked" him off the bed at 5.45 am and "chiong" straight to the airport.

Taking his first milk feed of the day @ the airport


Prohibited shots! (not phototaking on the tarmac! hehe!)
The most exciting part about flying from Budget Terminal... we get to go so close to the planes and the boys were so excited!

We must be one of the rare few who had our meals during the 3-hr budget flight

Tham brothers and their own in-flight entertainment

Lim boy and his in-flight entertainment

Fooling around...

Touch down!
The first thing that we did upon arrival was to go for lunch. Ok, I know we ate on the plane but it was lunch time already when we arrived.  

Our 1st meal in Hong Kong...
Baked Pork chop Rice @ 美心 Express, Airport Arrival Hall

Happy "Angry Bird" after lunch...

The whole 20-seater big bus just for the 9 of us
HKD900 per trip!

On the way to Kowloon city...

Angry "Angry bird" checking-in to Hotel Panorama, Tsimshatsui...
our hotel for the next 3 nights

Day 2 (Ocean Park ay + Streets Shopping)