Monday, February 21, 2011

This is the taste I'm talking about...

It's true, I classify places and memories by taste. 

A bit more than 25 years ago, when I was in primary 2, I went to Hong Kong with my mum.  What did I remember about HongKong in the 80s? Not much actually, I vaguely remember that it was crowded, streets were like those in Chinatown and we stayed in a really small hotel. One thing however, that I will never forget is the taste of the take-away dinner bought from a small shop next to the hotel.  I never had anything like that in Singapore before, some sort of a tangy tomato sauce on rice. It is not the same as the "Sweet & Sour sauce pork", not quite like tomato based pasta sause neither. This is the taste I remember of Hong Kong in the 80s.

I got to know that the tomato sauce on rice dish is known as "Bake rice" and I loved it so much that I must have it every few weeks... but none of the bake rice I had ever reminded me of Hong Kong in the 80s.  During subsequent trips to Hong Kong, I just can't find that taste anymore... maybe taste do move on too.

During the latest trip there, we decided to have a quick lunch at the airport as Kiiron slept through the whole flight and did not have anything to eat. We walked into "美心express" at the arrival hall and ordered 1 bake rice and 1 wanton noodle.

OMG!!! This bake rice is exactly the taste I'm talking about... the taste of Hong Kong in the 80s!
BTW, the wanton noodles is nice too, but it's just wanton noodles, no special memory.

Yes... taste lasted much longer in my memory, much longer than any other feelings...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where is Mickey?

Finally after 5 years since it's open, we landed on Hong Kong Disneyland.
Yes, Mickey is everywhere... No one can ever really had enough of Mickey right?