Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's a boy!

Name: BaoBao for now. Waiting for Daddy to think of a name
Birthday: 25Jul2009
Weight: 3025g
Length: 52 cm
Head: 35 cm
Delivery: Natural with Epi and Vacuum

Birth highlights  
  • 24Jul 6pm: 1cm dilated. BB head still high. Insert 1st induce tablet at Dr's clinic
  • Go home to have dinner and bath
  • 25Jul 12.30am: Check-in MAH after roti prata supper 
  • 25Jul 1am: 3cm dilated. Insert 2nd induce tablet. Contractions starts, some as high as 130 recorded but I dont really feel much pain
  • 25Jul 9am: 4cm dilated. Dr break waterbag. REAL contraction pain starts... ok this is no fun!
  • 25Jul 9.15am: Epi!!!
  • Wait... Wait... Wait... no food at all. Super irritating when Mark when for lunch / dinner and came back smelling like a walking canteen 
  • 25Jul 6pm: Fully dilated but BB head is still high (cant get engaged properly...) Dr decided to get me to try pushing but she say that if cannot come thru then will have to go for c-sec!
  • PUSH! PUSH! PUSH! ... but I'm so hungry where got energy!
  • 25Jul 6.58pm: After pushing for 1 hr! BB is delivered with assisted vacuum

The team in MAH is really quite good. They know that I'll have a difficult time to push, so 2 staff nurses were standing by my side to help me push my stomach when I pushed and the Dr were standing below pulling with the vacuum. They really helped to squeeze the BB out of me.

Where is Mark during this whole time? I cant see him at all, he was holding my head!

The first words that I said to BaoBao when I had him for the first time in my arms... "You have double eye lids!" Gosh! How shallow and superficial can I get? Must be due to no food for the whole day and my brain is not functioning...

My first thought immediately after the delivery? Actually I wasn't overwhelm with joy and anything like that... I was just thinking about how horrible the delivery process was and it sure is the top 3 most horrible experience in my life!

I want to be a man in my next life... how great to tell my wife to wait in the delivery room and starve while I go enjoy my lunch!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

5 years and counting...

Today is our 5th Wedding anniversary and how meaningful it is to spend it by going for our 1st prenatal photoshoot. I had great fun and it reminded me of the day we took our wedding shots.

I'm in W36 now.

This is my favourite.
Gosh! My tummy looked like it is going to burst any time. Some people told me that my tummy looked like a fake one as no part of my body grew except for the tummy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I'm in W25

This is the 25th week of my gestation.

Times had moved so fast and its seems like only yesterday that I found that I'm preggie.
Mark and I had been praying for baby for some time now and this is really a special gift as he was conceived on Mark's birthday.


During this week, Dr found that my blood sugar is over the normal high limit.
(Normal is 7.8 and I'm 8.59)
I hereby officially announced that my sugar and carbo eating days are over!