Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My iHerb Parcel

I love the internet era! Almost anything can be done in the comfort of our home.  I can catch with friends, do research, watch movies/shows, order food and shop... while still in my pyjamas.  

Online shopping is the best innovation for shopahalics.  Things just magically appearred at your doorsteps, futhermore it is borderless and there is no opening hours.

The management at iHerb had their act right by providing direct international shopping to almost everywhere in the world.  I know there're vpost and what not, I used them often too but it's still additional steps which can be a pain at times. I managed to catch the free international shipping offer last month.  Yes!!! I got my stuff shipped to Singapore for free!  This means that I paid the same price as someone staying in US. haha!

The main objective is to get some DHA gummies for kids but since I'm already at it, I got some snacks as well. Total damage is about US$55.  What's most cool is that I get US$5 off for my 1st purchase at iHerb.

All you need to do is to key in this discount code at checkout to get US$5 off your 1st purchase.

I opt for the internation airmail which has no tracking.  The parcel reached in 10 days and it was well packed.  All the snacks are placed in ziplock bags.  If you are shipping anything to Singapore, remember to limit your items to US$200 to avoid paying for GST.


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